"Delivering Effective Investor Relations in Europe Today"

The Investor Relations Associations of Belgium (BIRA), France (CLIFF), the Netherlands (NEVIR) and Portugal (FIR) have launched the first Pan-European IR Conference organised at NYSE Euronext in Brussels on June 12, 2012.

This inaugural networking event offered five interactive workshops covering the following topics:

Tracking and measuring IR delivery in Europe;
European market regulations, current and future, and their implications for IR;
The Buy-side view on company guidance and valuation in today's volatile markets;
Best practice use of social media in IR;
The effect of the economic crisis and Solvency II & Basel III regulations on IR communication in the financial sector.

The conference was preceded by a dinner for all attendees on Monday June 11, 2012 on the former trading floor of the Brussels stock exchange.

The Pan-European IR Conferences are meant for IR professionals who want to share insights with IR thought leaders and who want to connect with European IR professionals from across the continent.

In the upcoming weeks the new dates for 2013 will be presented.

We are looking forward to welcome you again!

Frank Vandenborre, President BIRA              Eliane Rouyer-Chevalier, President CLIFF
Gerbrand Nijman, President NEVIR               Patricia Pinto, President FIR

See and download presentations here

A short video with the highlights of the conference made by Company Webcast is available here

To see the photo report click here

For any further questions, please contact Marcel Schulze at m.schulze@tradinfo.com